Getting Rich on Legal Cannabis

Jeff Siegel

Posted May 24, 2016

I love this headline…


This piece was featured in the UK magazine Metro, a lifestyle rag that features both serious news and hyperbolic headlines that keep it relevant in a sea of Internet fluff.

That being said, the story is completely true.

A man who used to illegally grow cannabis deep in the woods to dodge the police is now an honest multi-million businessman.

But he hasn’t left the drug market.

In 2012, Washington and Colorado became the first two states to pass laws taxing and regulating marijuana.

No longer running a solo racket, Jeremy Moberg now hires a team of people to clip buds from marijuana plants to supply a thirsty US market.

He has generated more than $3m in the 20 months since he started the business called CannaSol Farms.

If you’re a regular reader of these pages, such a story should come as no surprise.

In fact, I’ve even written a report called: “Earn $17,360 on This $40 Million Drug Deal.”

The title alone speaks volumes about just how much money you can make in the legal cannabis game. But you don’t need to start your own business to get rich in this market.

My Favorite Legal Cannabis Stock

Over the past couple of years, I’ve given you a number of examples of legal cannabis stocks that have made us a boatload of cash. To date, my favorite remains OrganiGram (TSX-V: OGI), a Canadian producer of organic cannabis. 

This is how OrganiGram has performed over the past year…


The beautiful thing about OrganiGram is that any investor could’ve bought this stock last year when I first recommend it at $0.40 a share.

Doubling your money inside of a year on a single legal cannabis stock is no joke. Of course, when it comes to getting rich on legal cannabis, the big money isn’t really in stocks — it’s in private deals. 

The Richest People on the Planet

It’s no secret that the wealthiest one percent on this planet don’t buy and sell stocks all day. They don’t have to, because they are gifted the opportunity to invest in companies before they go public. And when they go public, they cash out for more money than most folks will make in their entire lifetimes.

Just think about the early investors in Google, Facebook, and Tesla.

Folks who had the opportunity to buy in before those companies went public are now some of the richest people on the planet.

  • Andy Bechtolsheim — Invested $100k in Google before it went pubic. Made $1.5 billion.
  • David Choe — Got $60k in Facebook stock before it went public. Made $2 million.
  • Nancy Pfund — Got in on Tesla before it went public. Now runs a $400 million VC fund.

Of course, you never had the opportunity to get in on these early deals because you simply had no way to know about them. There was no one around to tip you off to these deals. But in the legal cannabis space, there is.

Accredited Investors Only

Last week, I was offered an opportunity to take part in a capital raise for a Canada-based cannabis producer. It’s a sweet deal that should allow me to double my money in about five months and triple my money in less than year.

This deal is only for accredited investors, and it had only been shared with a small group of people.

Now, I won’t make any apologies for leveraging my connections to take advantage of deals like this one. Especially since I make a point to get members of my Green Chip Stocks community in on these deals, too.

I’m serious.

In fact, since the start of the year, I’ve been able to get Green Chip Stocks members in on six different private deals in the legal cannabis space. These include cannabis growers, testing companies, edibles producers, and even a legal cannabis real estate investment trust.

Next week, I’m going to be sharing yet another private deal with Green Chip Stocks members, and I’d like to share it with you, too.

So if you’re an accredited investor and would like to truly get on the inside of the legal cannabis industry by becoming a member of Green Chip Stocks, click this link.

But let me be perfectly clear about something…

If you’re just looking for safe place to sock away $500, this isn’t the group for you. And truth be told, if that’s all you’re looking to invest, you probably won’t be able to afford the yearly membership or even take part in these private deals, anyway.

Understand, I don’t say this to dissuade you. But I want to be completely honest, too. This community is only for folks who are ready to join the big leagues and stake their claims to the kinds of private deals that have long been available only to the wealthy elite.

While I can certainly guarantee access to these deals, you must realize that to take part, you must be willing to walk away from the mentality of the “regular” investor and start investing like the 1%.

To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…

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Jeff Siegel

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Jeff is the founder and managing editor of Green Chip Stocks. For more on Jeff, go to his editor’s page.

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